New York Highlights

I'm currently sitting here with a mason jar of ice tea and the windows wide open, cherishing the incredible weather that London has given us in the past few days. While procrastinating because I have a ton of work to do (it's summer, should they really give us homework...?), I looked through my photos and found myself reminiscing over photos of New York. In doing this, I really figured out which were the highlights of my trip, since those were the things that I remembered the most vividly.

So, today I'm going to tell you a bit about the most memorable things I did or saw, but bare in mind these are only the ones that I haven't already mentioned in previous posts of NY (I did a whole lot of them, New York is very exciting)

Eating an Acai Bowl in Central Park and Watching the Sunset...

If that sentence in itself doesn't sound like absolute perfection, then I think we have an issue. Putting aside the fact that I am and will forever be obsessed with acai bowls, the words Central Park, sunset and skyline just sum it up for me. It was the most relaxed I was on my whole trip, just sitting there, appreciating the beauty and the summery chill music that was softly coming from my headphones, while the sun slowly fell over the skyscrapers and reflected off the glass, creating a beautiful array of colours, the intense green of the park and pastel pinks, blues and purples of the sky.

One World Trade Centre Tower

At 540m high, the One World Trade centre stands tall and proud as the tallest building in New York and gives you the most incredible view. This, of course meant that, after a ridiculously quick elevator ride, I was on the 101th floor, and was able to see the most fascinating and jaw-dropping view of Manhattan. Seeing everything from above gave me a real sense of perspective and shocked me because the city is really not that big, but it's so full of people hustling everywhere, it clouds your vision a bit. As well as that, this building shocked me emotionally, as there were several references to the 9/11 incident, and it was really touching to see the memorial and museum. I think that everyone involved in the creation of this building could not have done a better job, it was unquestionably magnificent.

Sprinkles ATM

Sorry London, what's up, why don't we have cupcake ATM's here in London? Whoever came up with this, you are a genius and I love you. I visited this little cupcake (should I say heaven) ATM multiple times since it was right next to where I was staying and I really felt the need to take advantage of, not only the convenience, but also the delicious-ness of these cupcakes. If you're ever in NY do not miss this, you'll regret it. <3

The Metropolitan Museum of Art (the MET) and terrace drinks...

On my last night in New York, I went with my family and some friends to the MET and my inner white girl exploded a tad as I sat on the steps where Blair and her minions sat. The famous MET steps, honestly something I can now check off my bucket list. The museum itself was amazing, incredible and sophisticated. My favourite part was a fashion exhibition by Comme des Garçons and I truly cherished this, since I'm pretty sure I will never see anything as spectacularly outgoing and edgy as what I saw then. After that, the sun began to go down and we headed up to the terrace. We got some snacks and drinks and sat there, in the most perfect mix of hot and cold temperature and the sunset was b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l. and a flawless end to my trip. 

Appreciating the Moon...

I feel like on this blog I tend to mention a lot of specific things that I fear no one else understands. Guess what? Here's another one of them. After seeing the Moon in a telescope, I fully appreciated the immensity and significance of this white lil light in the sky at night. So, here's a few little pictures of the incredible moon that I have learnt to love, and some New York sky snaps.

I miss New York endlessly but I really am making the most of this summery weather and I am waiting with extreme anticipation for the summer. Is anyone else as excited as me?? x Sofia

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