Sofia Tries Pinterest: DIY Ombré Calendar

hellllooo y'all! Today I'm trying out something new and exciting, a new series called Sofia Tries Pinterest. Basically I'm going to be finding interesting, cool or yummy things on Pinterest and trying to recreate them. This is to show that anyone can do these things, because I am so so bad at these things, so just proves to show, TRY EVERYTHING OUT.

Anyways, a few weeks ago I found this post by 'home made by carmon' with the c u t e s t DIY ombré calendar and I was inspired to recreate it. Check it out here.

You can also check out my pinterest here (I have lots of different and cool ideas, from DIY to food to decor) Have a peek!

And these are a few steps I took to create it

I used an old iPad box (so efficient lol) and spray painted it white

the box - old iPad box
C hooks - £2 from any hardware store
Luggage tags - £1 from Rymans 

(basically its a very cheap calendar)

I'm actually very proud of how this turned out! Do you like it?
See you soon! 
- Sofia 


  1. It looks very nice and it's so simple to do it!

    Mia |
